Spring Clean Up
The snow is gone and the sun is shining! It's time to get things in shape. A beautiful lawn and landscape begins with a thorough spring cleaning.
Our spring clean ups start by cleaning all landscape beds. We remove all the stubborn leaves that made it through the winter and then we start trimming any shrubs that are in need of attention. If you have any ornamental grasses we will trim them back to start the season off fresh. Once your beds are looking great we move onto the lawn. We will pick up leaves, branches, and anything else that nature had to throw at your lawn over the winter. If we see anything else that needs to be completed we will bring it your attention. When clean up is complete we will haul off all yard waste and you can enjoy the beauty of your well mainicured lawn.
Fall Clean Up
Winter is coming and there is a lot to do. Leaves are falling and everthing could use a sprucing up. Fall clean up is the perfect time to prepare your lawn and landscape for winter.
Our fall clean up will include removing leaves from both the lawn and the landscape. We will clean all of your beds and prepare them for the winter months. Anything that needs to be trimmed or cut back before spring will receive the proper attention. Fall is a great time to look at your hardscape and make sure capstones are secured properly to your garden walls.
Leaf Removal
We offer several leaf removal options and we will recommend the perfect option for your lawn. No amount of leaves is too big or too small we have commercial grade equipment that will send those leaves packing.
Recycling and Hauling
All organic material will be recycled at a local facility. We make sure to take all lawn debris with us when we leave your property.
Your estimate for clean up will include a recycling fee to cover the costs of dumping the material at a local facility.